Thursday, June 15, 2006

Look how far you have come!

Our 1st family picture!
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Chrys and Mike said...

What a sweet picture! I love it!


jill said...

Did you have a C???

Julie said...

What a great memory!

Anonymous said...

Hey Becca....wanted to update you! Check out

Casey (Childs) Garmendia

Rebecca said...

Congrats Casey!! The baby will be here before you know it!!!!!!=) Can't wait to hear what it is!
Yes, Jill- after over 18 hrs of labor ( and that would be a MAJOR story- I will have to tell you sometime!) I had a C! We were just soo thankful for a happy, healthy baby boy!

Beth, Joshua, Isabella, McKinley and AnnaKate said...

Rebecca - I was looking through the old posts on our blog and saw your comments from when Isabella was born. I wanted to ask how your husband's graduation went? What are your plans now? We have 2 more years... woo hoo ;-)

jill said...

I had to have an emergency C- not what I had intended, also a story! We will have to share stories sometime! I recognized the outfits in the pic, not normal for a normal vaginal delivery :). I hope I can have a VBAC! I would like to experience that one day...