Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas with the Cannon's!

Reeves parents had us over Sunday evening for Christmas at their house- my pictures turned out really crummy but we had a BLAST ( I wish I had a picture of all the piles of wrapping paper after we were finished!!! LiLi and Boom- Boom- you were very generous and we appreciate it! We Love ya'll! Tallon, as usual, loved playing with cousins Clara Beth and Makgill!

Sweet Clara Beth waiting patiently to open gifts!
Tallon kept carrying Aunt Erin candy canes to open for him!!
Tallon LOVES his dump truck!

Boom Boom watching the grandkids open their gifts!
Tallon enjoyed tearing the paper this year!!
Aunt Aron, Clara Beth and Makgill

Makgill the PIRATE!
Makgill helping LiLi with her gift
Aron and I carried the kids to Wink and painted a silverware holder for LiLi from the kids- they each placed their handprint on it and we wrote " LiLi's little Gamecocks"- It turned out ADORABLE!!

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