Tallon loves to play cars and trains now- it is soo adorable! Sometimes, he will even go in his room and play with them all by himself! I LOVE THOSE FEW MOMENTS!! He enjoys rolling the cars or trains across the table and can often be found hanging out on top of the train table also! I never imagined that little boys could have soo much energy but I am thoroughly enjoying Tallon and love it when he comes into the kitchen with a car and ROLLS it on the floor towards me!!
ok- just curious but what color would ya'll say Tallon's hair is from the pictures- I always thought we would have a blond-headed boy but some days i think his hair is looking more red!?!?
I certainly think it looks reddish in these pics! I was thinking that even before I read your post! haha
It looks strawberry blonde, for sure!
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