The book Reading Magic by Mem Fox was recommended to me a few months ago but rather than purchasing it, I checked into our library- who did not have it but bought it. It recently arrived and I was able to check it out- what a QUICK READ and very enlightening. I highly recommend this book to any young moms and teachers who are passionate about reading to their children. It is easy to read and has lots of recommendations for how to read to your children as well as good books to use. We have been reading to Tallon for quite a few months now- I remember last yr- when he was about 4 months old- we got a big book of The Complete Tales & Poems of Winnie-the-Pooh from my Aunt for Christmas and since Reeves worked nights- Tallon and I would read a chapter every night before he went to bed. (well- Tallon usually just laid there or tried to get the pages to his mouth!!) I have always enjoyed reading and found this time for Tal and I to be soothing and enjoyable- who knew Winnie the Pooh would have ME laughing!! Although, I lost some of my consistency in bedtime reading- we are now trying to reincorporate it back into our bedtime routine.
For a few months- Tal went thru a spurt where he really did not care about being read to and I have been praying that God would give him a love for reading and over the past 2-3 weeks I have noticed a CHANGE- He will now bring book after book to me and hand them to me and turn around and sit in my lap. He is starting to point out objects and can help open and close the book as well as turn the pictures!! This book was a huge encouragement to me and I hope others will find it encouraging as well. We are raising kids in a world that is filled with tv and constant entertainment and I want my children to enjoy resting quietly and reading a good book as well as having an imagination!!!
I would love to hear any other ways that young moms are fostering a love for reading and imagination. Especially any cool books or learning toys that you think would be great for a 14 month old. I have NO CLUE what to get Tal for Christmas- I don't think he needs a lot but i would like to have a few, fun and somewhat educational things for him to help spur on imagination and creativity!!
For a few months- Tal went thru a spurt where he really did not care about being read to and I have been praying that God would give him a love for reading and over the past 2-3 weeks I have noticed a CHANGE- He will now bring book after book to me and hand them to me and turn around and sit in my lap. He is starting to point out objects and can help open and close the book as well as turn the pictures!! This book was a huge encouragement to me and I hope others will find it encouraging as well. We are raising kids in a world that is filled with tv and constant entertainment and I want my children to enjoy resting quietly and reading a good book as well as having an imagination!!!
I would love to hear any other ways that young moms are fostering a love for reading and imagination. Especially any cool books or learning toys that you think would be great for a 14 month old. I have NO CLUE what to get Tal for Christmas- I don't think he needs a lot but i would like to have a few, fun and somewhat educational things for him to help spur on imagination and creativity!!
That is so exciting to see Tal learning to turn the pages and really enjoy books! It makes the 1st grade teacher in me sooo happy!
Here are a couple things I keep in mind with Caden... your probably already do most of this:
- have lots of books and have them out where he can see them, explore them, read them a lot.
-I like to keep em in a laundry basket rather than a book shelf cause then he is free to dig and I don't stress about a mess. It's easy.
-make them part of your routine everyday- bedtime, maybe nap time, play time... we lay on the floor next to each other or make a big pile of pillows to lay in or he sits in my lap.
-Caden and I both like books with a rhythm or a tune (sing the books!)
-Vary your volume, voices, and use lots of expression while reading.
-board books rock! Except I don't like the ones that try to cram a big long story into a teeny tiny book. Keep it simple.
-Cade loves books where he has to point to stuff or say stuff (Biscuit the dog "woof, woof") or can press buttons or look in mirrors or lift flaps.
-have old favorites that you read everyday. We always end bedtime stories with Jesus Loves Me. Kids love routine.
Here are some of our current faves: Chicka Chicka ABC, Mirror Me (Baby Einstein), Biscuit, Clifford, Where is Baby's Belly Button?
Toys... ahev you seen the Ball Popper by Playskool? Fun!
My favorite aunt-in-law has been getting her grandchildren books with animals that go along with them. Andrea has two books with the animals. She is into chewing on books right now, but my aunt says that having the character to cuddle up to while they read is fun.
Khol's cares for kids has these often, right now they have Dr. Suess books! Plus all of the profit goes to kids!
One of the organizations I belong to has a "book shower" for moms-to-be instead of a traditional shower, so Andrea has sooooo many books! I can't wait to get to all of them! I will let you know some good ones when I do!
My church buys each newborn a ryhming story bible that looks really neat...
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