Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Some Time Away

Reeves, Tallon and I just returned this past Sunday from a trip home to see family in SC. Reeves and I took advantage of the grandparents and left Tallon for 2 nights while we went to a Bed and Breakfast in Georgetown. It was WONDERFUL!! We slept in both mornings and enjoyed walking around Georgetown, lounging on the beach and eating some wonderful fried shrimp! I can hardly wait til we get to go away again!!! I am getting pretty lazy with this camera thing and took less than 10 pictures while we were gone! Thanks to Linda for sharing some of her pictures with me to put on the blog.

Overlooking the marsh-
This was the view we had while we ate dinner Thursday night.

After enjoying a whole meal (plus dessert) without any disruptions!
Makgill and Tallon really enjoyed playing together this trip. Makgill drove Tallon all over LiLi's home! Tallon LOVED it!

The 2 cousins hanging out!

Tallon has started "sharing" his food. He "gave" some cheerios to Reeves on the airplane and evidently enjoyed feeding Gabby his cheerios as well!

We were finally able to see Reeves' cousin Laura and his Aunt DeeDee on this trip. Of course, Tallon loved the attention!

Tallon has really started to "walk". Several times in the airport (we had a 3 hr layover), we watched him walk 8-10 steps before falling. I think we are going to have a runner soon!!

We had a wonderful visit and enjoyed spending some time with both of our families for a few days. Tallon enjoyed playing with his cousins (he loved giving Makgill kisses!!), swimming, swinging, laughing and practicing walking! We can't wait for the next visit!

A BIG THANKS to both LiLi and Boom Boom and Poppa and Mimi for watching Tallon for us!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! We love ya'll!!


Chris and Emily said...

looks like you guys had a great time. I am so glad you were able to get away!

Chrys and Mike said...

Yay! What a fun trip! I am glad you're back...I was missing your posts! :)
