Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving with BOTH of our families this year and we did not have to travel to see anyone!! My cousins from Tennessee arrived Wed afternoon and the celebration, card games and food began.... and it did not stop until Sunday!- WHEW! We enjoyed visiting with everyone and Tallon adored his older 2nd cousins- Lauren, Bill and Kathryn- they were superb babysitters and he loved watching and playing with them!! We can not wait to see them again in 2 weeks when we all meet in Alabama for my brother's wedding!!! FUN TIMES!

We have soo much to be Thankful for this year and I was esp thankful that my dad made it back from the seas to celebrate with us ( He was on a missions trip and managed to come home early=)) Both of our families have given us so much support and love and it has been nice to visit with everyone and enjoy watching Tallon get to know them! We love ya'll!

I always love it when my birthday falls on Thanksgiving because I get to eat some delicious food and be with those I love and this year was fantastic. Tallon enjoyed getting to eat turkey twice on Thanksgiving day- I know he does not look big but this kid sure likes to eat!!!!!!!!
We enjoyed celebrating Reeves birthday with the Cannon's. Reeves Mom fixed his favorite meal- hamburgers and we all enjoyed the cake- especially Makgill!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 20, 2006


The book Reading Magic by Mem Fox was recommended to me a few months ago but rather than purchasing it, I checked into our library- who did not have it but bought it. It recently arrived and I was able to check it out- what a QUICK READ and very enlightening. I highly recommend this book to any young moms and teachers who are passionate about reading to their children. It is easy to read and has lots of recommendations for how to read to your children as well as good books to use. We have been reading to Tallon for quite a few months now- I remember last yr- when he was about 4 months old- we got a big book of The Complete Tales & Poems of Winnie-the-Pooh from my Aunt for Christmas and since Reeves worked nights- Tallon and I would read a chapter every night before he went to bed. (well- Tallon usually just laid there or tried to get the pages to his mouth!!) I have always enjoyed reading and found this time for Tal and I to be soothing and enjoyable- who knew Winnie the Pooh would have ME laughing!! Although, I lost some of my consistency in bedtime reading- we are now trying to reincorporate it back into our bedtime routine.

For a few months- Tal went thru a spurt where he really did not care about being read to and I have been praying that God would give him a love for reading and over the past 2-3 weeks I have noticed a CHANGE- He will now bring book after book to me and hand them to me and turn around and sit in my lap. He is starting to point out objects and can help open and close the book as well as turn the pictures!! This book was a huge encouragement to me and I hope others will find it encouraging as well. We are raising kids in a world that is filled with tv and constant entertainment and I want my children to enjoy resting quietly and reading a good book as well as having an imagination!!!

I would love to hear any other ways that young moms are fostering a love for reading and imagination. Especially any cool books or learning toys that you think would be great for a 14 month old. I have NO CLUE what to get Tal for Christmas- I don't think he needs a lot but i would like to have a few, fun and somewhat educational things for him to help spur on imagination and creativity!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Rebecca and Tal

Reeves birthday is actually Nov 18 but we have been celebrating it all weekend. One of the joys of living close to Florence is that we get to share special times with family. Friday night, My mom and grandparents came over and fried shrimp for Reeves.
He also enjoyed one of Nana's famous caramel cakes- YUMMY!

Papa and Reeves threatening to taste the caramel icing=)

Then on Saturday morning, Reeves had requested that for his birthday, I attend the Carolina game. I know, I know.... I am still a CLEMSON fan and proud alumni, but i do cheer for Carolina when they are not playing Clemson. We had a great day with Reeves parents at the game while my mom kept Tallon for the day! Reeves with his parents
the stadium
Reeves was sooo excited that the Gamecocks won!!!!
We met my mom and Tal later on in Florence and enjoyed a yummy Italian meal at Stephano's.
Tonight, we are going over to his parents house and enjoying hamburgers with all of his siblings and their children. I hope to have pics to post later on. What a great birthday celebration weekend! Thanks everyone for making it special for Reeves!


Tallon has not been feeling well the last few days, so i walked in to check on him Friday during his nap. This is how i found him....

what a sweet baby boy!

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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Can I Help?

Hi Daddy,
Look- mom brought my lawn mower outside sooo can I help you mow the grass. See how big I am- I know just what to do from watching you mow! Can I help you?!
I love you lots,

Reeves mowed the lawn this morning and Tallon was soo cute- once again- we stood out on the screened in porch and Tal was fascinated as he watched Daddy go back and forth! Every once in a while he would holler out to Daddy and smile as Daddy would wave back at him. Once, Reeves went to the front yard, Tal was just dying to go outside and be near his daddy so we put on our shoes and when Reeves got close to being finished, I carried Tal down the steps with his lawn mower and boy did he take of. He loved it and had Huge smiles on his face the whole time. He sure does love his daddy! I hope he helps mow the grass this enthusiastically when he is older and has to help out! Posted by Picasa
Tallon Mowing the Grass near Daddy.
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Tallon helping out Daddy!
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WOW! This thing is HUGE... and heavy!
It did not stop Tallon from trying to push it though... just like his daddy did=)
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Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Look who has on overalls! All we need now is a cowboy hat and boots!
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Feeding Time

Tallon has an excellant appetite and he really does not seem to be too picky(which is great for me!) Here are a few pictures of spaghetti night at the Cannon's home! hmmm... I wonder whats for dinner?

oh YEAH, spaghetti is yummy. I can hardly wait!

Can I please have some of that!

The end result- a Yummy meal and 1 dirty little boy- off for bathtime!

Moo, ROAR, tweet-tweet

Tallon and I drove up to Columbia last Thursday to meet Carrie and Reece at the Zoo. The weather turned out to be perfect and it was not very crowded which was nice. The boys enjoyed hearing all the noises and checking out the animals! We got to see a HUGE gorilla, the lion was just pacing and roaring and also a few zoo animals- Tallon seemed to like the bunnies and newborn ducks! We also managed to make it to see the sea lions and the penguins during feeding time! I can not wait to take Tallon back again soon. He really seems to like animals A LOT!

Reece turns the big ONE this Friday- Happy early Birthday Reece!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Tallon reading, Daddy checking out the score of the football game=) Posted by Picasa

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone! Tallon was an adorable frog - outfit compliments of his very cool older cousin- Thanks Makgill for letting us borrow it!!
unfortunately, Tallon was not too thrilled about being dressed up as a frog- oh well, Mommy and Daddy thought he looked cute=) We enjoyed going to a party at a friend's house - yesterday was a busy day for us and Tallon's afternoon nap got cut short so he was just a little bit fussy- as you can tell from the pictures!!!

Tallon, Mimi and Oscar

Tallon adores animals. He is not afraid of them at all. Saturday, we were at Mimi's house and Tallon practically chased Oscar around the whole day. He is not always fond of petting them. but he likes to sit down next to them, lean over and "talk" to them right in their face. It is really cute. If only we could figure out what he was saying!! Posted by Picasa