Saturday, April 08, 2006


Sooo, it has been a few days since I have posted anything- the reason being- Tallon has been extremely fussy at night and had decided he did not like to sleep at night and would rather SCREAM instead!!! I had a hunch that he might be getting another tooth and Yes, Mom does know something- Wed AM I felt around inside his mouth and right next to his other tooth- I could feel something!! 2 teeth and he is not even 7 months old yet- IMPRESSIVE!!! I was hoping that now that the tooth had come through- Tallon would start sleeping again, not so!! We night we put him to bed at 8:20 and he proceded to wake up and scream at 9:15, 11:36, 4 am and 6:15!!!!!!!!! AHHHH! I called the Dr. Thurs and we went in and she said that Tallon's throat was "pretty red" and that he prob has something viral! Well, atleast now we know why he might be screaming all night!! We decided to give Benadryl a try since he also has a runny nose and his left eye has some drainage at times (we had already tried motrin and tylenol). We are happy to announce that benadryl is now mine, Reeves and Tallon's favorite medicine!! He slept from 8:15 until 5:45 AM Thurs night and he slept last night from 8:00 until 4:30! not too bad!! SO hopefully, the runny nose will go away and we maybe can try to sleep without any medicine?!? We shall see! Anyways, Mom is in a much better mood now that she has had some sleep! By the way, the lack of sleep never seemed to phase Tallon- he was happy and always ready to play during the day time!

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