Thursday, February 19, 2009

Extremely Tired

What a beautiful day. On our way home from working out- Tallon requested to go to the park so we packed a picnic lunch and met up with Mimi and Pop and Mrs. Kristin, Anna and Sadie for lunch and play time. As soon as we got home- Tallon asked if he could have "quiet time" in his playroom- I told him that today that would be fine. I was downstairs getting a few things done and all of a sudden realize that I am not hearing anything....hmmm.... so I head up the stairs.....

and nearly laughed out loud- I could not believe where Tallon had "fallen asleep"
I wonder what Tallon was thinking about!?!


Justin Loyed said...

That is so cute!!! By far, my favorite Tallon moment! Hope you are doing well. Miss you lots!

Robert and Tiffany Adams said...

That's hilarious. Little man sure didn't make it very far!

gillian said...

Oh my goodness! That is the cutest thing!!!

Melanie Turner said...

Wow! That is amazing...think he was too tired to walk back downstairs? Hope ya'll have fun at Disney this week...I can't wait to hear all about it!

Li Li said...

Poor baby. Wonder if he will fall asleep on his feet at Disney World?

Our4GreatKids said...

Who needs a chair, anyway? Love how he just falls asleep wherever he is... he is so cute!

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