Friday, September 08, 2006


To South Carolina!!!!!!
in 2 weeks!!!
so we are very busy!!!!!!!!

Reeves has a job working for a church- he is going to be starting up a counseling center. This is his "dream job" as he puts it and we are very excited about where the Lord is leading our family! We are going to miss the friends we have made in Dallas and are thankful for the time we have had out here but are extremely excited about being closer to both our families, the lake, the beach and a city where there are actually 4 seasons! We would appreciate your prayers as we say goodbye, PACK, finish up our jobs in Dallas and prepare for the 18 hr trip to SC with a 1 yr old!!
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Beth, Joshua, Isabella, McKinley and AnnaKate said...

Congrats! Keep us posted on the blog! ;-)

jill said...

where will you be living????? I am SOOOOO jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chrys and Mike said...

I'm so excited for you as you begin this new chapter of your lives. God is faithful!


Sabrina said...

That is so exciting that you'll be back in SC!! Let me know where and when will be a good time to come visit! love y'all :)