Thursday, May 04, 2006


IT'S OFFICIAL- MAY 4, 2006- TALLON IS CRAWLING!! WATCH OUT!! Our little one no longer stays put when you put him down to play. He does not seem to really care about crawling towards any of his toys, but if you let him see the phone- he goes after it!! I kept putting the phone down at one end of the room and got some great video of Tallon traveling across the room to the phone! What a fun game!!
This is yummy!
Ok Mommy- I am worn out from chasing the phone from one end of the room to the other- How about a nap?!

1 comment:

Chrys and Mike said...

WOW! I'm so impressed! Oliver isn't even close to crawling yet.

He is infatuated with the phone as well...what is it with that??

So cute!
